
Daily and Weekly Skin Care Routine

Caring for your skin is not an optional item on your daily list of things to do. The way you look plays a very crucial role in shaping the way you feel about yourself. When your skin is fresh and glowing with good health, you feel confident and self-assured. Proper skincare gives you great-looking skin which works wonders for your self-esteem!

Daily Skin Care Routine

No matter what your skin type, having a regular cleansing regimen every day is critical for good skin health. Most skin experts advise that excessive cleaning should also be avoided at all costs. Washing your skin twice a day with a good facial cleanser that is designed for your skin type helps keep acne and other skin infections under control.

Weekly Skin Care Routine- Exfoliation

To support your daily skincare routine, it is also important for you to take some extra care over the weekend to get your skin ready for the week ahead. Although some experts recommend exfoliation as a daily routine, I recommend that you do it once or twice a week. This is quite sufficient for good skin health.

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the process of removing old, dead skin cells that remain on the outermost surface of your skin. This is an important part of facial skincare and body treatment. Exfoliation, when done correctly, leaves your skin looking and feeling fresh and smooth. Since the outer layer of dead cells is removed by this process, creams, serums and moisturizers penetrate the skin better and have better effects when applied after exfoliation.

When to Exfoliate?

It is not necessary to carry out exfoliation every day. This is necessary only when there is enough build-up of dead cells over the skin surface to be detrimental to overall skin health/appearance. To know when to exfoliate, here is a simple test you can use. Apply a piece of clear tape to your forehead and rub gently. When you remove it and you see tiny pieces of flaky skin adhering to it, you need to exfoliate.

How to Exfoliate?

There are four ways in which you can exfoliate the dead skin cells: Granular, Cream, Enzyme, and Chemical. Granular exfoliation is best to use on young teenage skins with no acne. Usually, fine peach pits are in the exfoliation and this helps to remove any dead skin cells. Use a wet sponge to remove the scrub from your face. Cream exfoliation is best to use on mature skins (women between 40-50 years). It looks like cream and is applied in a thin layer and left to dry. No steam is used during this. Once it’s dry, you can rub it off with dry fingers.

Weekly Skin Care Routine- Facial Mask Treatments

Another weekly skincare process you should adopt is the use of facial masks. You may be using masks when you need to prepare your skin for a special event or when it seems very dull and lifeless. But making this a part of your weekly regimen ensures that it gets done week after week.

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